What do I love?

As Amanda Harden and I began to scavenge through our somewhat different brains trying to think of what I could possibly have to blog about (considering most of the stories that you would find funny would not only be inappropriate for the Internet, but may also later on in life, hinder my goals) she asked me what I love..... So I began to think of the things in life that I truly love...

New Orleans - "Where you find out who you really are.." duh thanks TV.

Smitten in love.

My Boyfriend
Chuuuttee 'em Elizabef.

Self Explanatory

Morgan Freeman's Ground Zero
(Not this attractive fella)


Say Hello to mah little frand.

I consider her a dear friend.

The thing is.. a plethora of lovable things festered in my mind.. while being lovable to me I was considerate of you and understand that they may... well not be so lovable to others... Some people simply prefer orange jell-o, which I do not now, and doubt I ever will be able to wrap my head around but... ON to the point..

If you know me at all, you know that I have a deep very passionate love affair with movies.  I love every kind of movie imaginable... action, drama, fantasy, musical, romance, COMEDY.. I love them all, to the point in fact that I almost feel as if I'm a movie whore, if there is a movie turned on then I'm in. So I told Amanda that I had decided that I do, in fact love movies above most other things in life.  Her reply was, (CAUTION: Deep Quote Ahead.) "Well you need to write about them." So today I am going to write about one of my favorite movies.

As I was sitting there reveling in the thought of which movie do I love the most, I began to let my mind brew a pot of confusion as to which movie I should in fact lose my movie blogginginity to.. Then I realized that the answer was clear..  and the answer was.. Stepbrothers.. Now, I do understand that everyone has seen this movie but I just don't want its illustrious humor to be lost in a sea of mediocre comedies in which use cheap jokes and repetitive situations  usually involving binge drinking and cheap sex ending in unplanned pregnancy, that are in fact funny, just not so much original, the third or seventeenth time... but as for me and my house... we will enjoy rich comedies... such as Stepbrothers.

The plot of this movie is hilariously original in every aspect, as it seems to be outrageously comical to those of us that have not yet bore male children still living at home at the ripe age of 40. I truly believe that the originality of the screenplay is unsurpassable by the new comedies in which everyone must get drunk and forget what happened (don't get me wrong.. loved the Hangover but I've also lived it.. with the few exceptions of not having a black Doug or Mr. Chow in my life or pulling my own tooth or being drugged by Allen... okay.. maybe it is somewhat original and hilarious.. but let's not forget who this blog is about today shall we? Dale and Brennan).

I could try to tell you about the movie and paint you a vivid picture of this masterpiece of comedy but I feel my words would end in inadequacy and failure so I will let the quotes of Dale Doback and Brennan Huff be enough. 

On second thought... It would not be lady-like for me to repeat them... Go watch it. You won't regret taking a trip down comedy movie memory lane.

Prestige WorldWide wide wide wide....
This is the story of how and why I, from an early age, have despised the color RED.

My story begins with a beautiful mid summer day in 1997.  I lived in Memphis, TN., give or take a few suburbs; and I was an overly intelligent, extra slim, hyperactive 7ish year old
My favorite pastime besides jumping on the trampoline and playing a good game of hide and seek was of course, riding my bike.  My bike just so happened to be the one that I had picked out over a tedious but very necessary afternoon spent at Toys-R-Us mulling over the seemingly infinite row of bikes.  The bikes ranged from Princess Pink Barbie bikes to Lightning Bolt Yellow Power Ranger bikes to Black Batman bikes to brilliantly colored bikes with no thematic influence.  Being the douche bag that I have always been, I wanted nothing to do with the themed bikes unless there was a Scooby Doo bike, which there was not... So, I decided on the RED bike, but that bike was not just simply a RED bike.  My bike was that tint of RED that made every taste bud in your mouth want McDonald's French fries with some Fancy Ketchup.  The color wasn't the only magnificent quality of my first automobile; the glitter is what set it apart.  Anyways, I bought the RED glitter bike.

I was/am an only child so a lot of my time was spent with my imaginary friend Eugene.  Eugene and I were inseparable, no one ever saw him unless he was with me.  It is still debatable if this accident was Eugene’s fault or mine but I place the majority of the blame on the RED bike and Courtney.  Who is Courtney? Courtney was my next door neighbor that was 8 months older than me; therefore a genus in my eyes, but this story will prove that I needed glasses. 

On to the story.

We lived in a neighborhood that had a block type nature.  Courtney, Eugene, and I lived on the same side of the street but if you went around the block there was an amazing hill that looked like it could have been a mountain in my 7ish year old eyes.  So nearly every day of the summer Courtney, Eugene, and I would go around the block and we would ride on our bikes down the hill and allow the breeze to flow in our hair.. I have always been as beautiful as I am now so of course I looked like a dainty fairy model gliding down the hill on a brilliant RED star, hair flowing.. the works..

** I forgot to mention that my life's goal was to become a magician for approximately the first 7ish years of my life.  I did magic tricks on the regular that astounded Eugene and he constantly encouraged me to try newer more challenging feats. **

Back to the story.

So today Eugene had finally talked me into doing a new magic trick.  My nerves were starting to slip.. The hill seemed steeper today, the brick mailboxes that lined the left side of the sidewalk seemed taller, and the trees that lined the right side of the sidewalk seemed thicker; but being the professional magician that I was... I did not let my emotions get the best of me.  So, I told Courtney that I was going to do a magic trick and that she needed to watch very closely.  Courtney being the genus that she was, squealed with excitement (considering most of my magic tricks were somewhat entertaining to watch).

I climbed back up to the top of the hill and took off my helmet (real magicians leave no room for error) and mounted that blood RED bike.  Courtney was at the bottom of the hill watching me in anticipation of what my magic trick would be today.  I began pedaling down the hill as fast as my stick-like legs would pedal me; and it felt amazing.  I felt the wind blowing my hair and I felt free from all of the cares and worries that festered in my 7ish year old mind.  I knew the time was right.  It was time for the magic to begin.

I closed my eyes, let go of the handle bars, and took my feet off of the pedals that seemed to be rotating at a solid 300 rotations per minute.  It was amazing.  I was a real magician.  That feeling of euphoria lasted for about 3ish seconds because the 4thish second was a new feeling.  The new feeling was the feeling of the 8th RED brick mailbox getting acquainted with my face.  That mailbox was a real bitch.  Blood was everywhere when I finally opened my eyes to Courtney and Ezsma (my mom). They then took me to the hospital where I received 9ish stitches in my forehead.  I never rode that RED bike again. Call me crazy.. but.. I still don't like Courtney, riding bikes, or the color RED and Eugene and I have not spoken in years.